201 Pity Peh
at first, this gathering supposed to be postponed coz 'someone' got electronics assignment to do wor... but according to Pucat's Blog, she insisted that she wanna join us :))
everything doesnt goes as plan... this time we ended up in sunway coz the PeHmAtEz said they are going gua tempungpung so they wanna buy some 20 buck skoolshoes go there dirty the new shoes. but so ngam that i caught them in vincci... hmmm... vincci got sell skool shoes geh :-?
and we ate in our usual place, kimgary. but today is kinda weird. not to mention theres no Miss Kim... theres NO girl waitress at all... siennn... the PeHmAtEz should be having fun finding Mr Kim or maybe... Cantomachinegun :P
and we have 2 guest stars for today... Pineapple and December :)

both of them ordered 5 burgers... swt
and the PeHmAtEz-Half ScReWdRiVeRz photo :)

Imba aka Peh4, Peh5, Peh1, Pucat aka Peh2, Peh3, Turtle, Donkey, me and some kelefe we dont know
last week, G-man told me that the sentinel is a very nice movie wor and Peh2 again lansi-ed me said she watched the movie and its very nice la... a must watch la... blah blah blah :(
after the meal, we went to watch movie... and we watched the sentinel. pity Peh2 watched again. since peh tak kena the pity peh syndrome, she kena-ed the pity peh syndrome d, pity pity Peh2 :))
the sentinel is not bad, the really really not bad only la... michael douglas is like so olddd, white hair, beer tummy and doesnt have that 'e' anymore, no wonder hes not in basic instinct 2 with sharon stone :P
kiefer sutherland does what he does best, kool and pro government agent, counter terrorism just like in 24... :D
kim basinger there to play her bitch role first lady, not to mention she plays as eminem's slutty mum back in 8 mile... i think as famous actresses grows older, they get pretty screwed up. kim was like the blockbuster movie actresss in batman 198X, today shes still in blockbuster movie just playing some grade C role such as bitchy lady and slutty mum... saddd
and as for our lovely eva longoria, what she does in the whole movie is to pose beside kiefer and to let the colleague of hers to check out her ass. but after watching so much 24, i think im quite disappointed of this movie... not so much watch.
after the movie Peh, Buaya, December and Pineapple go for another movie again, shes the man... semangat, movie marathon. then we proceed to ss2 murni to yumcha. after the wonderful chit chating... we came back to the intelligent city :)
Next in Cyberjaya
Turtle's Birthday